Superr Girll

Apa itu kasih , sayang , cinta ? --'
Thursday 13 December 2012 | 04:08 | 1 Words

Assalammualaikum wbt

Kita tak pernah terlepas dari perasaan untuk menyayangi dan disayangi sesama sendiri. Kita sebagai manusia memang dilahirkan dengan fitrah untuk berkasih sayang. Skop kasih sayang amatlah meluas. Bukan hanya kasih sayang bersama pasangan kekasih. Kasih sayang pada keluarga, kawan-kawan malahan kepada haiwan. for this time , i would like to share bout it . So, apakah itu kasih , sayang dan cinta ?

Tiga perkataan yang nampak seakan sama untuk diterjemahkan, namun jika diteliti membawa kepada pengertian yang sangat berbeza. Pengertian tiga perkataan ini memberikan makna yang sangat mendalam untuk difahami. Emosi dan tindakan juga sebenarnya menggambarkan bahawa kasih, sayang dan cinta mempunyai perbezaan walaupun sedikit.


Kita sering mengucapkan kalimah basmalah yang membawa maksud “Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Mengasihani”. Allah SWT sebenarnya sangat mengasihi kita sebagai hambaNya. Dan jika kita halusi mengapa Allah SWT mengasihi manusia sudah tentu hanya kerana Allah SWT mempunyai belas kasihan terhadap hambaNya. Rasa kasih sebenarnya terselit rasa belas kasihan terhadap seseorang. Begitu juga Allah SWT mengasihi kita selayaknya kerana kita lemah dan perlu dikasihani.

Dalam hubungan sesama manusia, kasih kadang-kadang menjadi titik bermulanya rasa sayang dan seterusnya rasa cinta. Dari kasihan akan terbit rasa sayang yang begitu kuat. Sebab itu dalam Bahasa Melayu perkataan kasih selalunya digabungkan sekali dengan perkataan sayang. Jadi tidak hairanlah mengapa Rasulullah sendiri berkahwin dengan isteri-isterinya yang banyak kekurangan. Rasa belas kasihan kerana tidak mampu melihat kesusahan wanita-wanita yang kehilangan suami kerana syahid telah mengangkat baginda untuk menyayangi dan mencintai mereka sebagai isteri.


Perkataan yang sukar untuk dibezakan dan diterjemahkan terutama dalam hubungan perasaan sesama manusia. Menyayangi seseorang belum tentu mencapai tahap mencintai kerana menyayangi lebih luas skopnya berbanding mengasihi. Anda mungkin menyayangi sahabat anda, keluarga anda, guru anda atau sesiapa sahaja. Tetapi berbeza jika anda mengatakan bahawa anda menyayangi isteri anda. Kerana rasa sayang kepada isteri sebagai teman hidup memberikan maksud anda mencintai pasangan anda sedalam-dalamnya.

Namun fahamilah, sebenarnya rasa sayang sudah memadai untuk anda melihat pengorbanan yang bakal dilakukan oleh orang yang menyayangi anda. Pengorbanan yang mungkin dilakukan luar dari kebiasaan emosi manusia. Rasa sayang akan memberikan kesan yang berpanjangan sama ada anda sebagai orang yang menyayangi dan disayangi kerana rasa akan dapat dihalusi wujudnya keikhlasan dalam setiap tindakan yang dilakukannya. Keikhlasan inilah yang akan memberikan rasa sayang berpanjangan dan terus mendoakan kebahagiaan untuk orang yang tersayang.


Percintaan sudah tentu dikaitkan dengan rasa kasih sayang. Menggambarkan bahawa bila menyebut cinta sudah tentu akan ada rasa kasih dan sayang kepada seseorang. Bila mencintai seseorang, tersiratnya anda mempunyai rasa sayang yang ikhlas dan menerima diri pasangan anda seadanya. Anda hanya memikirkan dirinya, perkongsian hidup bersama dan juga kebahagiaan masa depan bersama.

Cinta terlalu kompleks untuk dihuraikan. Kerana cinta membawa pelbagai istilah yang memberikan maksud yang berbeza. Dalam satu pepatah arab, mendefinisikan cinta itu pekak dan buta. Rasa cinta yang terlalu mendalam akan memekakkan telinga untuk kita menerima segala nasihat daripada orang lain. Segala keputusan kebanyakannya diputuskan sendiri. Cinta juga akan membutakan mata untuk melihat kelemahan-kelemahan pada diri orang yang dicintai sekalipun nampak jelas di mata orang lain.

Cinta mampu memberikan rasa gembira kepada pasangan, tetapi cinta juga memberikan luka yang sukar untuk diubati. Cinta membahagiakan bila berjaya hidup bersama pasangan dan sangat memedihkan bila gagal. Itulah kelebihan dan kelemahan cinta. Kerana pengertian cinta selalunya disandarkan hanya pada manusia. Manusia tidak sempurna. Jika pengertian cinta ini disandarkan pada Allah Yang Esa, sudah pasti tidak akan wujud istilah putus cinta.


aku rindu kau -,-
| 03:55 | 0 Words


dari semalam sampai sekarang , I still can't sleep . I don't know what I think right now.  I feel so sad . I wanna crying . I miss her . Yes , I miss her so much . I'm waiting for her text started yesterday until now . what had happened ? =='. Is there something had happened that I don't know ? Ya Allah , why I'm so worry ? 

Ya Allah , I do miss her a lot . aku tertanya-tanya , adakah aku yang bersalah ? It's me ? If I make a mistake please do tell me . manusia tak pernah lari dari membuat salah . I'm not perfect , I make mistake , when I say sorry , I mean it :'( .

I'm so sorry if hurting you . That's not my will . I hope you will not leave me here alone. hanya Allah yang tahu bertapanyaa aku rindukan kau , rindunye aku pada kau . even though you are only my friend . please don't go away from me . I will miss all our moment .

but now , I just to know why you did not reply my text ? Why ? are you still busy ? Okey , walau macam mana sekalipun kau busy , please bagitahu aku . kalau aku ada salah dengan kau, bagitahu aku . jangan buat aku risau dan tak sedap hati dekat sini .aku tak nak kau pergi . we are best friend right ? kau ingat ? aku pernah minta kau jadi kawan aku , SELAMANYAA . untuk kongsi cerita dengan aku . aku mohon kau jangan pergi . ini permintaan aku yang kedua.

wherever you now  , please take care . one thing you should know , I really miss you . please do texting me after this . I'm waiting for it . and please dont break our friendship. I hope that sayang :'(


untitled :'3
| 03:48 | 0 Words

Assalammualaikum wbt

hello and evening to readers , just a simple post that I wanna write for today. I'm so tired for today. As you know today I have Painting class for 4 hours and above. dalam masa sehari saja belajar dua teknik . otak dah tergedik-gedik memberontak and set in mind dah tak boleh. and memang tak berapa nak boleh lah tadi. I'm going to die.Painting is the killer subject for me . I I did not fall in love withpainting. we are not compatible  each other .Tetttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt T________________T

untuk hari ini aku masih tak texting or chatting or on call dengan dia. masakan tak , aku texting mana ada reply . aku call siang tadi mana ada angkat . he  looks like ignoring me. why ? what my mistakes for this times ? I'm sorry if I make a mistake with you for this times. I really really miss you. Yeah , I know that you didn't miss me . because I know you are  so enjoy and happy spend your time at there. tahu laa seronok pun dapat enjoy dengan kengkawan tak kan lah sampai saya text sekali pun awak tak nak balass ? Centuu ? sangat tidak adil dan hal buat saya rasa geram and I hate you ~ Huh ! Awok ! once again , I miss you . jangan terlalu seronok , nanti lain jadinya. remember that ! and take care where ever you are. I hope you didn't forget me . Goodbye :/


sun | Tumblr

12th December 2012 =)
Tuesday 11 December 2012 | 20:23 | 3 Words
Assalammualaikum wbt

hello ! I still can't sleep. even though it so late and I should go to sleep because I have something to do tomorrow. mata nieh terbeliak lagi haa , serupa kucing kat atas tuh. tak tahu kenapa tak dapat nak pejamkan mata lagi. esok nak keluar . today is Wednesday and the date 12th December 2012 (12/12/12) Waw ! Shoo sweet and nice date right ? 12/12/12 is the last repetitive date that will be ever seen. tadi sebelum pukul 00:00 dekat facebook and twitter kecoh dengan tarikh tuh . kalau orang Kedah cakap qeyoh dengan tarikh tuh. some of them nak tarikh tuh special bagi diorang and same like last year 11/11/11. apa yang diorang nak tarikh tuh akan buat diorang bahagia dan ingat sampai bila bila. It just number and nothing special about it.  memang betul lah takdak yang special sangat pun tapi orang nak tarikh yang awesome tuh jadi kenangan dalam hidup diorang . yeah ! aku pun tahu takdak makna sangat dengan tarikh tuh tapi aku juga teringin nak ada kenangan dengan tarikh yang awesome . Hahaha . Okey ! *mukaa batak*

what I want on 12th December 2012 . I want to tell her that I miss her so much. nak berani kan diri nak cakap dekat dia yang aku rindu dia. and I hope she can be mine forever and ever . Yeah ! itu lah apa yang aku impikan denga tarikh itu. aku nak cakap dekat dia aku rindu dia. if she found me one day i will spend together with her. tapi hanya bertepuk sebelah tangan , kerana apa yang diinginkan aku pasti ia bukan milik aku. why ? because I know that she can find someone most better than me and spend  of together with her. Lalalala.

jadi dengan tarikh yang awesome nieh saya Ellysha Diana Bt Shahran nak bagitahu AWAK  , SAYA SAYANG AWAK ! and I hope our friendship till Jannah. biarlah persahabtan kita kekal buat selamanya . dan saya nak awak tahu , only you in my heart now. jika takdir mengatakan awak akan jadi milik saya suatu hari nanti saya akan pastikan saya mampu menjadi yang terbaik untuk awak selamanya sehingga ke syurga. saya nak awak jadi Imam dalam solat saya dan jadi pembimbing saya suatu hari nanti jika takdir menyebelahi kita. Awak ! saat ini saya merindukan awak . Terima kasih kerana sudi menjadi sahabat saya. 

so nothing special for me on 12th December 2012 . and I still waiting  for his text and I miss him . okey bye :/

#np : gerimis mengundang-SLAM . Jiwangggggggggggggggggggg siot :p

Sunday 2 December 2012 | 06:58 | 0 Words

Assalamualaikum :)

Hmm, hati nie tetiba rasa sayu sangat lepas baca satu entri berkenaan "Kawan".Tetiba terfikir lah kan. Dalam dunia yang meluas nie, wujudkah "Kawan Sejati"? Elly pung tak tahu..

Bagi Elly kawan nie penting. Kita semua kena ada kawan. Kalau takdak kawan hidup nie umpama "kera sumbang".So aku nie manusia yang suka berkawan. Tapi aku jugak memilih nak berkawan. Tak semua org kita boleh rapat kan? Setakat nie ,Elly dengan kwn sekolah rendah still contact melalui "Twitter", "Facebook", Blogger" even kami semua tak selalu jumpa :')
Friendship Tumblr Quotes 

Friendship Quotes Tumblr 

 “But I will go get some peanut butter for all that jelly you have.”

“I am going to shove a knife up that ass of yours.”

I honestly would not change my friends for the world.

A best friend scolds you like a dad, cares like a mom, teases like a sister, irritates like a brother, & loves you more than a lover. 


Story of My Friendship
Sunday 25 November 2012 | 18:41 | 1 Words
Hi, blogwalkers... today, I'm going to tell you the real story happened in my life, and I really hope that you can leave your advice to me. I also hope that all of you will not be like me. So, now I will leave you with my story.....

Everyone would want a true friend. And of course when we can, we would appreciate her and would like to continue stay by her side as a best friend forever. I am sure that I have found a true friend. She was the first to say how grateful she met with me since the beginning of her life in secondary school. We became good friends. Although I was a pretty hot tempered and impatient, that she still be with me, by my side. I still remember that one day when I suddenly hate her. At that time, I was asked by the teacher a question that I don’t know how to answer it. At that time, we have fought and always stems from my own. However, in my attempt to answer that question, I saw her trying to give me the answer and thanks to her help, I managed to answer the question. I really don’t know about why I’d been like this. When my classmates asked me, my answer is always the same. I will say that I suddenly lost the mood to talk to her. What I'm sure, she had never done something that annoys me. Maybe there is, but none of the memory in my mind about her bad deeds towards me. My memory is just filled with terrible deeds against her. Must all be wondering, why I suddenly aware of the deeds against her. I also not sure either. Just now, I opened the Facebook page and found some status and comments between her and the other two friends. One of them is certainly my best friend too, but the other one was, suddenly makes me jealous. I feel very jealous of their closeness to chat and exchange of comments. She seemed to have taken over my place. I feel that I should do so with them. But, suddenly something appeared in my mind. I am no longer fit to do the same thing with them as I had many times annoys them, ignoring their presence. Since that, I keep thinking why I being such a bad person and quite reasonable answers came into my mind. Maybe I already know that I’m not suit to be by her side. I try to refrain from mingling with her because I do not want to hurt her again. I also thought, maybe my attitude arose because I prefer something active and social. This is very different from herself as she is less active and less socializing like chatting with other classmates. Since I know her, she is the one who would just sit in her place and will chat with people who came to her place. Rarely do I see her get up and to the other place to chat. Of course when you look at this situation, this attitude should be emulated. However, many of my classmates say that she seemed to not like to hang out and sometimes seem a bit arrogant. For me she is a bit slow to catch something that other people told her to do. I always hate that attitude because as I said, I'm an impatient girl. Since I think of this, some tears dripping on my cheeks. If I had changed my attitude before, I’m very sure that I was chatting with her via SMS, Facebook or Skype now. Even if I have been given the opportunity, I wanted to tell her how grateful I am to have a friend who put up with my attitude. When I'm happy, I ignore her indirectly. When I'm sad, she is the first person I'm looking for to share my problem. How cruelly I am. Currently, I am truly sorry. If it is destined she found my blog and read this post, I sincerely hope that she will know that how precious she is to me. And I sincerely hope that I will be able to still stay by her side. Not just as an ordinary friend, but a friend to the very end. Will I be able to change? ~~~ ^_^  

Friday 14 September 2012 | 18:01 | 0 Words

Friends VS. Best Friends
FRIENDS: Will comfort you when he rejects you.

BEST FRIENDS: Will go up and ask him, “It’s because you’re gay, isn’t it?”

FRIENDS: Will be there for you when he breaks up with you.

BEST FRIENDS: Will call him up and whisper, “Seven days…” !

FRIENDS: Helps you up when you fall.

BEST FRIENDS: Keeps on walking saying, “Walk much, dumb ass?”

FRIENDS: Helps you find your prince.

BEST FRIENDS: Kidnaps him and brings him to you.

FRIENDS: Will ask you if you’re okay when you’re crying.

BEST FRIENDS: Will laugh at you and say, “Ha Ha, Loser!”

FRIENDS: Will offer you a soda.

BEST FRIENDS: Will dump theirs on you.

FRIENDS: Will sit at the side of the pool withyou at that time of the month.

BEST FRIENDS: Will throw you a tampon and push you in.

FRIENDS: Gives you their umbrella in the rain.

BEST FRIENDS: Takes yours and says, “Run - beep - run!”

FRIENDS: Will help you move.

BEST FRIENDS: Will help you move the bodies.

FRIENDS: Will bail you out of jail.

BEST FRIENDS: Would be in the room next to you saying, “That was awesome! Let’s do it again!”

FRIENDS: Never ask for anything to eat or drink.

BEST FRIENDS: Helps themselves and are the reason why you have no food.

FRIENDS: Call your parents by Mr. and Mrs. and Grandpa, by Grandpa.

BEST FRIENDS: Call your parents DAD and MOM and Grandpa, GRAMPS!

FRIENDS: Would bail you out of jail.

BEST FRIENDS: Would be sitting next to you sayin “DAMN!” we messed up!

FRIENDS: Have never seen you cry.

BEST FRIENDS: Wont tell everyone else you cried…just laugh about it with you in private when your not down anymore.

FRIENDS: Asks you to write down your number.

BEST FRIENDS: Has you on speed dial.

FRIENDS: Borrows your stuff for a few days then gives it back.

BEST FRIENDS: Loses your stuff and tells you, “My bad…here’s a tissue.”

FRIENDS: Only know a few things about you.

BEST FRIENDS: Could write a very embarrassing biography on your life story…

FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing.

BEST FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds ass that left you

FRIENDS: Would knock on your front door.

BEST FRIENDS: Walk right in and say “I’M HOME.”

FRIENDS: You have to tell them not to tell anyone.

BEST FRIENDS: Already know not to tell.

FRIENDS: Are only through high school/college. (aka: drinking buddies)

BEST FRIENDS: Are for life.

FRIENDS: Will be there to take your drink away from you when they think you’ve had enough.

BEST FRIENDS: Will look at you stumbling all over the place & say “Girl drink the rest of that ! You know we don’t waste!

FRIENDS: when visiting, acts like a guest.

BEST FRIENDS: opens your refrigerator and helps himself.

